Turquoise and Peach

{October 22, 2008}  

That’s right. Madoka Mawari.
I will just fill this post with pictures until I find the time to elaborate more. =]
Till then, enjoy.

{October 22, 2008}  

Often wonder why I’ve finally decided on revealing my proper nickname, one that I’ve chosen for sure and favour most? I’m quite an anime fan, but the name was not inspired from there. It was really my own creation, I swear. However, I took some time to search on images and profiles of anime girls named so.

Madoka Otowa (Getbackers)

(音羽マドカ Otowa Madoka; Seiyu: Yuki Matsuoka) – A child prodigy and extremely talented violinist. Although she is blind, she has amazing hearing abilities. She hired the GetBackers for a job once to get back her stolen Stradivarius violin. She has a guide dog named Mozart who also protects her when she’s in danger. Eventually, she becomes Shido’s girlfriend. She was once kidnapped by Shido’s enemies (the Kiryuudo, another fictional ancient clan of aboriginals who communed with insects), who wanted to use her to exchange for the Chimera. (Popularity ratings: Madoka 18th with 79 votes, Mozart 32nd) (First Appearances: Manga – Act IV, Part 1, Anime: – Episode 6)

She appears twice on the back covers of the Japanese manga volumes, the first being vol.4, where she plays the violin. For vol. 24, she was shown possessed by Kabuto.

Madoka Narumi ( Spiral )

Madoka is Ayumu Narumi‘s sister-in-law, and Kiyotaka‘s wife. She’s quite the detective, but is frequently outsmarted by Ayumu. She seems to care a lot for Ayumu, but she’s quite selfish and doesn’t seem to notice the pain that Ayumu goes through to keep her safe.

After the Blade Children come into the light, Madoka tries to investigate into them to find leads to where Kiyotaka disappeared to, but often times comes to dead ends. She also gets frustrated with Ayumu because he is obviously more involved with them, but doesn’t share any information with her (one way he tries to “keep her safe”).

Madoka Ayukawa (Kimagure Orange Road)

Madoka Ayukawa (鮎川まどか Ayukawa Madoka?, voice: Hiromi Tsuru 鶴ひろみ)
DOB – 25/5/1969 (or 1971)
The archetypical “kimagure” (whimsical) character, Madoka is secretly in love with Kyōsuke, and is best friends with Hikaru Hiyama (who is also in love with Kyōsuke). Madoka is described as having an adult allure despite being in junior high school.
When she first meets Kyōsuke, she appears to be a pretty and sweet girl. This, however, is in stark contrast to her personality at school, where she is aloof and feared by both the male and female students as a reputed juvenile delinquent. In the TV series she is nicknamed “Madoka the Pick” due to her ability to wield a guitar pick like a shuriken. Despite her “punk” reputation, Madoka is also shown to excel at various activities both scholarly and athletic. She is able to earn high marks in school and still work a part time at Cafe ABCB (pronounced “ah-ba kah-ba”).
Madoka’s parents are kind-hearted but workaholic professional musicians often touring outside Japan, so she lives in a large house with her older sister. After her sister gets married and goes to live abroad with her husband, Madoka lives there alone. The story involves the eventual shedding of her tough exterior after she becomes Kyōsuke’s friend, as evidenced by the changes in her life after she meets him. She gives up smoking because of him, and in the manga other characters note that she becomes friendlier and does better academically following Kyōsuke’s arrival.

Creator Izumi Matsumoto reports that his inspiration for Madoka was actress Phoebe Cates.

Madoka Kugimiya (Mahou Sensei Negima!?)

Student Number 11: Madoka Kugimiya (釘宮 円 Kugimiya Madoka?) Birthday: 3 March 1989. She is the serious one of the three cheerleaders in the class. She makes sure that the other cheerleaders (especially Sakurako) do not get into any trouble. She likes gyūdon and silver accessories and generally into Western music (currently is a fan of Avril Lavigne from notes), but hates playboys and is mildly obsessed with her husky voice. Her surname is usually the target of nickname making (which Madoka does not like) from her classmates.

During the school festival, she develops a small crush on the teenage form of Kotaro Inugami. She has been shown to be very protective of her friends, and especially for Ako, whom she encourages to be more confident. Although Madoka has no known connection or experience regarding magic, she is one of the few to accidentally see “multiple Negis” due to the effect of the time machine “Casseopeia” (during a period when he was helping Ako and she was trying to retrieve her for the concert).

She travelled to England with Ayaka and followed Negi to the gateway to the Magic World. However, she was left behind.

Her nicknames usually start with Kugi-, which is similar in fashion with Kurogane from Tsubasa: RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE (whose nicknames by Fai starts with Kuro-).

  • Negima!: Her pactio is an energizing cheer power alongside Misa and Sakurako.
  • Negima!?: Like the other cheerleaders, Madoka is consistently saying and doing the same actions as the others (although they do speak to each other to give their individual thoughts).
  • She is the fifth youngest student in class 2-A.

Madoka (Flame of Recca)

Madoka is the fifth Flame Dragon with the power to create barriers . Madoka’s is to create physic barriers (a shelid if you may say) for Recca to protect himself. He is a chubby ninja who speaks politely, but is rather sarcastic.
Yeaaaa, LOL. This time, it’s a dragon. I’m pretty jobless when I actually am not. Shiet.

Madoka Mawari (Tenjo Tenge)

For this character, I will single her out in a new post. =]

{October 18, 2008}  

And yay. Here I am. I did another personality test again. This time it’s called a Multiple Intelliegences Test. I don’t really conform to its results, it’s just too general. Anyhow, here it is, my result:



{October 17, 2008}  

Hi. =]
I know. It has been so long since I’ve blogged. Before then, I promised I would send in an entry regularly. But in the end, I had to succumb to my overwhelming workload.
I am, after all, a person who likes to be kept busy all the time. But of course, will still manage to squeeze in some room for pure entertainment in my tight schedule. I basically enjoy being active, besides my ulterior motive of trying to sharpen up my brain. As I’ve found out, my brain’s function is slowing down frightfully. I could not remember a sentence after reading it once, even though once upon a time, it was my skill of pride. It is terrible, and so I’m trying all I can to work up my brain slash mind. Perhaps, I can call it an exercise.
Anyway, I did a personality test out of the blue and below will be my result. I’ve done a similar test before, however, this time my result showed a change in my personality, probably. =]

ENTJ – The “Chief”

ENTJs are strategic, organized and possess natural leadership qualities. They are master coordinators that can effectively give direction to groups. They are able to understand complicated organizational situations and quick to develop intelligent solutions. ENTJs are outspoken and will not hesitate to speak of their plans for improvement. They are decisive and value knowledge, efficiency and competence.

About the ENTJ

“ENTJs are natural born leaders. They live in a world of possibilities where they see all sorts challenges to be surmounted, and they want to be the ones responsible for surmounting them. They have a drive for leadership, which is well-served by their quickness to grasp complexities, their ability to absorb a large amount of impersonal information, and their quick and decisive judgments.”

Portrait of an ENTJ (The Personality Page)

“…have a strong natural urge to give structure and direction wherever they are — to harness people in the field and to direct them to achieve distant goals.”

“leader, ambitious, hard working, dominant, prepared, hates to be bored, confident, opinionated, analytical…”

Jung Type Descriptions (ENTJ) (similarminds.com)
“”Unequivocating” expresses the resoluteness of the ENTJ’s dominant function (Extraverted Thinking). Clarity of convictions endows these Thinkers with a knack for debate, or wanting knack, a penchant for argument. The light and heat generated by Thinking at the helm can be impressive; perhaps even overwhelming.”

ENTJ Profile (TypeLogic)

“At work, ENTJs contribute a wealth of energy directed toward the goals and those of the organization. Their sense of identity is closely tied to how they carry out their responsibilities. They are curious about new ideas and theories, evaluating them in terms of their goals. They are very efficient, competitive, strategic, and task focused.”

ENTJ – The Leader (Lifexplore)
Famous ENTJs

Real ENTJ People

Fictional ENTJs (Characters)

ENTJ Career Matches

ENTJs are often happy with the following jobs which tend to match well with the Chief/Intellectual personality.

  • Business Administrator
  • Computer Consultant
  • Corporate Executive Officer
  • Entrepreneur
  • Judge
  • Lawyer/Attorney
  • Manager
  • Mortgage Banker
  • Politician
  • Scientist
  • Systems Analyst
  • Teacher/Professor

{July 13, 2008}   .Lament.


Sweat. Wasted so much of time. Good to be alone. Doing whatever I could. Bothersome. Tiring. Bla bla bla. Great-o. Suck-o. Bluek. Random ranting. Bla bla bla. Freak. Garhh. Gawd. Surrealism. Living in another dimension. Shattered pieces. Glinting. Crowww. Croak! Tick Tock Tick. BANG. She died.

Annoying. Frustrating. Not emo-ing. But maddening. Horrendous ordeal. Quack quack. Goes the duck. SAKURA SAKU … Sine Cosine Tangent~~ Tsuideribe Boku no Fune! Thinking tank. BOOM. My eardrums exploded. Crimson everywhere. Dyeing a fresh red scene. Emotions and nonsense. Misunderstooood. Roarrr. The tigress. Women are so … urgh… Men are equally … sweat… What the What the….. Damn-ing assholes.
I can’t bring myself to do a single thing. Want to concentrate but frequently interrupted by nonsense. Just get it over with, bloodeh. Whatever you said was freaking wrong. Only I know why I don’t want to do it. I lack power and strength to continue defending myself. I could be aggressive. You’re just lucky I maintained my calm and uncaring composure. Sigh Yuck Ku.

Stop using Psychology to taunt me. The Fuck. Trying to pick on me. Because I dearly wanted to study the subject. When you find any flaws you just use it against me and stated how unsuitable I really am to further my time into it. Bloody shut up. You know next to nothing. I spoke even less to you people than before. Even brother never really say anything. He’s keeping things to himself as well. I know that. I can see it. He’s freaking quiet. And glad to say, he has started to mature now.

One of the reasons for me to study that subject is to search for clarity. The attack was psychological and tormenting. Abuse of words. Sickening. Especially when it’s all the more sensitive since you’re the adults. Because, we care and would take in what you said about us. That aplenty gave us the low self-esteem characteristic. You think you’re very smart. But everything so much backfired.
Save my mind.


{July 12, 2008}  

This date. Is certainly a date that I would post in here for. The reason being. It’s a popular date. A long list of events in queue after one another. On the 12th of July. Making an ordinary person’s day hectic. And for an extraordinary person, it is all the more worse than “hectic”. Maybe I enjoy the buzz of it. Or maybe I don’t really need such a tiring lifestyle. Could it be everyone is a believer of Feng Shui and has because of that all have chosen to organize their respective event on this particularly fine day? Because, if you really want to know. I can list down here about seven to eight “activities” – that I was invited to go to; that I was interested in attending; that I wanted to attend; that I must be present. All but very demanding of my stamina.

1. Littlest Brother’s Sports Day
It pretty much started on a very fine morning. As usual. No elaboration needed for this, surely. Anybody would understand what Sports Day is about. I for one is sick of it. With what non-existence participation in whatever field and all, I barely ever care. March past was only fun because of the designation of quirky and silly costumes. Everything mentioned here is really by my – PAIKHWA’s – standard. So, no offense should be taken. In short, I possess no athletic genes. Cheering for friends was awesome though. I got to shout and scream without getting an infraction. “INFRACTION”. *Cough*Cough*
Back to my littlest brother. By the time I finally woke up and washed my face fresh, he was already back from school. Figure how much of a bum I was. In his hands were two medals. Two bronze medals. Each for the events of Long Jump and 4 x 100metre race. He was very keen in showing me his prizes. I smiled in my heart at his innocence. But I acted differently on the outside. I was a little mean to him. By saying, “Yeaa? So? I don’t see Gold.” He had his own humour too, actually. Before he showed me anything, he deceived me about not winning anything at all. Whatever still, he’s my darling fierce littlest brother.

2. Annona’s Dance Competition
Honestly, I really wanted to go and see you dance. I wouldn’t mind being the photographer of the day for you either. Taping down the entire routine of your team and bits of this and that. Wanted to see the costume you did yourself until late at night. I know dancing is something that you really enjoy and I’m very happy as well to see the infinite satisfaction your face glowed off from it. Such power of passion is really admirable. Not only hers alone, but I’ve seen others as well. The sight is extremely pleasing.
Was supposed to text you Good Luck in the afternoon but I had to attend to my relative who came to pay us a visit. Anywho, I did texted you at night. And boy am I proud to know that you won a third place. That was a really magnificent feat. Congratulations!! [Hope your camera returns back to you as soon as possible!! And sorry I couldn’t be of much help on Friday. My search resulted poorly.]

3. Fusion Fiesta
Organized by HICT and held somewhere in Klang I think. Don’t exactly know where the place is, but yeah. It’s darn far. Personally, I just saw a small part of a preview of the team from my college. It was really a small part of the preview. But at least I have the gist of their routine. Hope they do well. I will be asking how things had gone on Monday.
Even if I go, it’s more for the sake of checking out the place. Another campus of HELP University College. HICT caters more to the technology stuffs. The other reason being, I like watching people dance. It’s a hot hot hawd sport. I missed the Dance Party by HELP UC Dance Club last night, so yeah. This would be a compensation for the loss.

4. One Life Revolution
It goes on within a range of few days. But I had only the weekends to attend to this. I was really introduced to this event by a good friend. I’ve heard of it before in the beginning of the year. But because I didn’t understand what the poster really conveyed then, I care next to nothing about it. It was interesting, constantly tempting you to find out more about it and what’s going on and all. However, yeah, no way. I never did anything like “researching thoroughly on the subject mentioned”. I was after all more concern about my studies, exams and tests. Neglecting this is certainly not the worst sin ever.
Intended to go on either this Saturday which is today or tomorrow, the Sunday. If I went today, I’ll see my friend who was volunteering himself at the exhibit from morning till afternoon. If I am to go tomorrow, I would be going with Evangeline to check things out. Coincidentally or not, the venue was at her church itself. So yeah, could be another happy outing if not for the over-anxiety about UCAS stuffs. It’s freaking tedious.

5. Cheer 2008
Another college mate asked me if I am going for this. I was like, hell yeah, I’ve always wanted to see for myself how the real thing goes about. To see how good the girls are at cheering. The atmosphere should be attractive I guess. But nah. Wanted to go since two years ago, though no actual plan has ever formed. High school was already over for me anyway. Not much fun going there now. I feel tremendously old looking at younger people jumping kiddily about.
Flapping skirts is not a main attraction. And gosh, I actually said that. LuLz. Ignore me. I’m just kidding. Out of sheer delight and mischief. Perhaps if I stick around the place long enough, I might get some freebies. Then, all is gooooood. CHEER PEOPLE. COME ON. Really, I’m not even sure if it’s on today, this Cheer thing. I was just told and can’t really confirm. Argh. Listed down in this post anyway.

6. Going out for a movie.
Like yeah. Hellboy II is already out on the 10th of July. So is the Journey to The Center of Earth. They are movies that I really wanted to watch. Besides that, I wanted to watch “Wanted” with the cool CG of bullets being swerved around oh so freely. Angelina Jolie and her sexiness as always. I don’t know why but I am just attracted to her. No idea. Don’t ask. She is gorgeous. I’m not really into celebrity stuffs. So, if you wanna tell me reasons to hate her or why people should <s>lick</s> like her. I don’t give a damn. I find something appealing to me. Then yeah, so that be it. Full stop.
This plan is really at the spur of moment. I was thinking I should have plenty of time during the weekends. It just depends on how I’m arranging my time. The idea was tempting, as it always had been. Going to cinema I found out, has integrated into a typical college student’s life. So haha. Yea. The Dark Knight is coming up soon. And yours truly wants to watch Red Cliff too. Great Chinese movie. Something that I won’t want to miss.

7. Piano Lessons.
This is the “must” that I have to attend to. I’ma preparing for ABRSM Grade 8 Piano next year. I’m so far behind of things. Sigh. My playing sucks. And I’m as cold as ever. Always had the same problem. I couldn’t put feelings and emotions into my playing. I play the piano like a machine. A programmed cyborg to read the manuscripts and play as ordered sitting on the black stool before the grand rich-black furnished instrument.
I’m seriously trying to work it out on this. I just don’t know why I’m such a cold person. Actually I do know why. But there’s no need to explain the entirety of myself to you here. You don’t have the authority and the honour to be treated with such respect from me. I know, that previous statement would really be provoking you to slap across my cheeks. Hard. Hahaha. Come on, it’s Paik Hwa you’re dealing with. So, give her a break will ya. -SMILES-

8. A Visit from Relatives.
This I didn’t expect. I was still sleeping my morning through when my cell suddenly rang “Tori no Uta”. I was like. Oh heck. Who is calling so early in the morning. LoLoLz. It forced me to kick myself away from bed and grab the cell while it still continued to ring. It was from uncle, my mom’s eldest brother. Oh, figured. He’s coming. Along with my grandmother and his two children. I would enjoy their company. The two children are adorable. They’re really lovable unlike my siblings. They are not stubborn when asked to do something, very unlike my spoilt younger brothers.
So yep, I attended to them when they arrived. Mom and dad wasn’t at home then. Accompanied them until at night. We went to the Waterfront at Desa Park City and took a stroll at the park behind the supermarket. There was the cooling breeze. It was downright damn cool. Very comfortable atmosphere and I don’t mind sleeping there on the ground. Exposed to the night. Believe it or not. It was about 9pm plus plus plus. But the place was still crowded with all ages of people. A “yamcha” session there? Yes? Anyone? Michl, Micht, KangBing, Eileen, Chester, Sharkira, Yuva, Wei Wen, Jun Lung… And maybe even Ruthra???? It’s quite possible for me to drag him out. I could start pestering him already. HAHAHAHAHA. There are Kluang Station, La Casa, Secret Recipe, Rakuzen, New Zealand Natural, Coffee Bean and bla bla bla to choose from. You guys would like it. Tell me when you will be free. And you can stay overnight at my house and only go home the next morning. Good idea? Yes? No? An open invitation to fellow BSD2-rians.

9. Bon Odori 2008
I remembered Dave inviting us to this since last month. But. But. But. But. But. But. But. Refer to all things above and you will get the meaning of all the “buts”. Like. Seriously. Gawd. It was the event I am interested in participating and really really wanted to go to. And I was drafting a plan to go there and all. But. But. But. But. But. But. But. But. Enough. I am very sure you know what I’m thinking about right know. Surely you understand my predicament. And how stupid it is for everything to fall on the same day. I seriously doubt it. Is it really that good of a Feng Shui or bad Feng Shui? It sucks.
If only I’m a superwoman and knows how to separate myself into several souls and bodies just like Naruto and his Kage Buunshin. Awesomeeee. I can do all and every single thing listed here. Without a worry. This event is a big one and it is being held at a stadium in Shah Alam. Particularly about the transportation, the biggest problem ever. I can drive but I don’t know the way. And even if I did drove there, I would be stuck in the traffic. I still cannot accustom myself to driving at night. People keep reminding me of happy stuffs and delicious food and fun fun games at the Bon Odori. GARH.

There. Did I say I can list down seven to eight events for 12th of July? Looks like I’ve exceeded the estimated number. I underestimated myself. Wow. And heckshit hectic day. I can barely breathe properly while I type all of this out. It’s difficult. Lmao. The sad emotion kept washing over me while I’m posting this. In the end. What? I did not attend to any events except for the piano lesson and the relatives chapters. Other than that, I took the pain to refuse participation in any of them and remained loyal to my final unmoving decision. I stayed at home the entire day. Only went out for music class and dinner with my uncle and grandmother. Had my stomach burst at the food court near Carrefour in Kepong. I counted twelve dishes ordered by all of us, a total of 5 adults and 4 children. Bit appetite? I was hungry but maintained a limit for myself. I didn’t have a proper meal at all since morning. Yikes.

People might detest me for posting in such a long entry. That it’s like an essay and all. But oh well, it is my style after all. It is still, at some point, interactive. I think. Like, I’m typing all this shit out as if I’m talking to you in real life. Except that this piece is editable at anytime I want. And whenever I want. Have fun reading this. Or maybe not. I’m keeping this with a small-sized font, mainly because it’s really too long and I don’t want to waste the page. And, I like it this way. It gives my posts a style and personality. I don’t know. >u<

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{July 3, 2008}   •Official introduction•

I guess I am now making use of WordPress to post in more personal stuffs of mine. Laughing my ass out. I thought I would be able to ditch all more deranged thoughts in ~Sanctuaire~ alone. But I would try another method, yesh, this one, as you can see. Err, if you want to know how many blogs I have set up so far, then please permit me a moment to think. And that moment shall be replaced with a definite answer of “six or seven”. You find it bizarre to describe such answer as a “definite” answer when “or” is present and related two options in one “definite answer”. Funneh. I’m a deceiver. Ending this minuscule deception, I invite you to explore south. Of this page.

Why WordPress? It started with an e-mail directed to all committee members, which of course included yours truly. The content it bore was an inquiry of whether Blogger or WordPress is a better choice for the society’s various purposes. And, being the person I am, I hated it if I don’t reply based on solid evidence or first-hand experience whenever plausible. Needless to say, it was easy for me to situate myself in the “dilemma”. Thus, here I am. Change is good. It is refreshing. I need some fresh air. WordPress looks like it is a neater and more well-thought out system to function with. If you are talking about grades or levels, should I say this would be very suitable for intermediate-going-on-expert level bloggers.

It’s quite, hear me, QUITE, advanced for those who are very used to Blogger. Albeit it isn’t THAT advanced for anybody to learn its way easily. If you want to know the truth, everything is basically simple for me because I see through things easily. It’s an intimidating skill I know. But very useful at certain circumstances. In an organizational company or management, this is most certainly, a priceless asset. Or even if in terms of scientific research or engineering or anything else at all. Bottomline – use your common sense and practice a less narrow range of thought. Give yourself room to be wild and limit that with the optimum boundary. All things should be well balanced and not offset deliberately.

Why am I setting up so many blogs? Of course, many species of replies can answer to that single simpleton question. And I am not obliged to exposing all my hidden motives and kindly intentions. A paradox? Seems like it, I can’t help it, neither can you. It’s just amusing for me. No one says I am not allowed to amuse myself in anyway I like. However silly they are. In the end, I answer no question and leave things as vague as it was before. But I can tell you this. I like writing like this. Through that, tapping and tapping endlessly on the keyboard. It delights me awfully. Don’t you get all aroused and addicted while you do that? I do. Somehow. Just a little. So yeah. Tap tap tap it goes.

The decision to post an entry here was because. I wanted to copy my RP “essays” here and keep them in a place I can easily refer back to. My own personal blog would be the best location? So it is. Unfortunately, Sorascans is down for now. It was supposedly until the 30th but there were problems while transferring. Well, as there always is. You can never hope everything goes along incredibly well where technology is concerned. It can betray you as it wishes and feels no qualms like you will. Even if I were to log in and retrieve my best pieces I have ever done, it will take me forever to search them down. That due to my long time inactive-ness and the over-flooding new posts in the forum. I mean, I am lucky enough if those posts aren’t removed yet. If they are. I dunno.

As in, you don’t want to know.

Yeah, I can write essays pretty quickly. This is proof of my previous statement. These following lines will be my elaboration so that your blunt mind fully understands my rationale. I have written about eight paragraphs by now, if I can still count my fingers. Five of the finger nails are painted a transparent gloss with shining glitters to make the outlook less dull. Attracts just a bit of momentary attention yet suffice to avert your prey’s gaze on some other objects. I’m trying to write creatively. Hahaha. Avoid too much usage of flowery words or phrases but more on creative description. But it doesn’t run too far. I’m trying to learn. Giving my pathetic self a chance at it. Haha.

I seriously have no idea where I’m getting to. May it be that I’m just being random or pointless, or that I really meant ulterior sense under the surface of thousands of characters. It doesn’t matter. At least I got to do this. Writing. Hopefully I can pull my lazy arse back up straight and restart a RPG-ing “careeeeeeeeer”.



{July 3, 2008}   2nd of July.

Here I am again. I’ve no idea why I’ve got so much to talk about. Maybe it’s because I don’t talk enough in real life. And that’s not a good thing. Because, if you don’t do something, the nerve you have for that particular function in your brain might get deleted. Alas, you will not be able to talk properly. Maybe that’s something that I’m facing now? Because, I keep having such feelings. If I didn’t open my mouth at all to spit any word, I wouldn’t be able to have a fluent conversation with others. I would, talk like a newly born baby. However, if I am high on something, I can talk non-stop for ever and ever. And that’s when the time I am most fluent, and sarcastic. But, that’s some common sense right? I bet everybody has such a moment. I mean, they know about this very well. Maybe, in their case, it’s something else. Just to clarify, it’s not about the language problem. I’m encountering problems to even speak Mandarin or Cantonese normally. I can diagnose my ailment pretty well you know. It’s really about the vocal problem.
I got oh so excited about Haruki Murakami’s new novel – After Dark. Already half way through it. I don’t know. I just like his writings. They are very unique and suit my taste perfectly. Something extraordinary and distinct from others. Here’s an excerpt. A very short one.
It’s not that difficult once we make up our mind. All we have to do is separate from the flesh, leave all substance behind, and allow ourselves to become a conceptual point of view devoid of mass. With that accomplished, we can pass through any wall, leap over any abyss. Which is exactly what we do. We let ourselves become a pure single point and pass through the TV screen separating the two worlds, moving from this side to the other. When we pass through the wall and leap the abyss, the world undergoes a great deformation, splits and crumbles, and is momentarily gone. Everything turns into fine, pure dust that scatters in all directions. And then the world is reconstructed. A new substance surrounds us. And all of this takes but the blink of an eye.
There are a lot more that I would like to extract and imprint them here, on this, erm, surreal pixel pages. It is non-existent to our sense of touch yet it exist in our eyes. It confuses the mind. And so, is able to use that to its advantage and reign the world. Awesome strategy.
After an hour or so sweeping the whole house, under mom’s strict command – me being half-reluctant yet do not mind – I read a few pages of After Dark and then pop up here. To blog again. Let’s not say it as blogging.
It’s just an expression of my thoughts. They need to go somewhere. I can no longer bottle up everything in my head. My brain is getting a lot heavier by the moment. And that ain’t a good thing too. If, by any chance I died without anybody knowing why or how I’ve died, the doctors would want to send me to the morgue. They maintain their stern appearance but they are apparently delighted insideee. I’ve seen them. Don’t argue with me. Yeah, so let’s say I died in that manner and they investigate into that matter by messing around with my organs. One of them, the brain. They have this balance in the morgue, with a large silver plate hanging from a spring and above it a big round scale. That is no doubt, to measure my weight – in pieces. And so, they measure my brain and find it surprisingly too heavy, a great deviation from a normal human’s brain weight. What hypothesis would they conclude with then? But no, it would be a mistake. Because, I myself know very well what made my brain that heavy an organ. So no way, they are jumping towards the wrong conclusion. Wait a minute. Weighing my heart to double check their hypothesis would not work either. My heart was a by-product of my abnormal thoughts, I was the one to decide that everything should be rationale and therefore processing informations via the mind slash brain. I am light-hearted. So don’t. Weighing my heart is a wrongful move. If all else fails, then what? How can they determine how or why I died?
You know. You can just ask the person herself.
Maybe, you don’t really know what I’m getting at. But, no worries. I don’t know what I’m talking gibberish about either. Yeah, it’s just to reassure you to not worry about my declining sanity at the exact moment. Till another time.
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P.S. Post copied from original group blog ~Sanctuaire~ with authorization.

{July 1, 2008}   22 minutes to 2nd of July.

If you want to know why I’m posting for a second time tonight, the answer is simple. Betcha know what it is alright. Therefore, there is no need to answer and so there will be no stated answer from me personally, here. Screw the crap. I’m a little anti-Facebook. Yeah, ever since. Ever since, my account got permanently disabled. I am not. Most certainly NEVER. Going to waste my time starting it all over again. I don’t see the point. Except that, I was so pissed about all those lost photos. AND GAWD. That just reminded me. Those messages exchanged between me and Tekkadark / Jay and Saniya and othersssssss. GAWDD. Double slaps the person or thingy who disabled my account. And, there is of course, another factor adding to why I have such dislike towards Facebook. It rendered me unable to access Gendou.com ever, again. I loveeeeeee that site. All those J-pops. All those musics. Having me finally to seek endearment from jmp3.net, thanks some bunch for that. Downloaded three albums and three songs of ALI PROJECT.
You might find ALI PROJECT’s musics weird. But get it, that’s the person I am. The weird, I am. I dance around clumsily, in utmost delight whenever any random comment regarding me suggested my eccentricity. Me and my idiosyncrasies. I’m not quite sure how to list them down. There are practically too many to be named here. I’m listening to >> Purple Line <<
only, for the past few hours. Don’t ask me where my patience comes from. I guess I just have that of a virtue in me. I am suppose to browse through the prospectus I got from University of Bristol. It was in a form of CD. Interestingly. Though before that, I was posting an entry to ~Sanctuaire~, I danced, I sang, I stalked people’s blog and I got inspired to write yet another post.
Everytime I’m alone. Anywhere. Everywhere. I think of what tools slash equipments to keep by my side if anything, at all, happen. Just one belt is helpful enough. I think we all have the latent skills to fight off people. Just a matter of how one brings it out and let it manifest fully. I’m not sadistic or perhaps I am. I just imagine various scenarios and figure out how to give it a definite solution. The solution in a definition of warding off evils or anything that is not to my liking. Life revolves around me. Huhu. I’m selfish. I know. Don’t give a damn. =]
I’m just thinking of retreating into nothingness. And, that be. It. I want to be unconcern of anything at all. Just watching. Scrutinizing. From the side lines. But. Still.
I love you.
“you” translates into Every single soul in the world. Nope, not only the homo sapiens. Rocks and pebbles are lovable too.
Let’s go pumping your body with the musaeic. A play with the words “music” and “mosaic”. They fit so well together. Dontcha think?

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{July 1, 2008}   1st of July.

Woa. It’s already July man. July, it is. And haha, the previous three posts were all in Chinese. Well, if anybody want to post in any entry in different languages, by all means, please go ahead. Make full use of your knowledge. =] And if any reader request for a translation for a particular post in a different language, the respective author can kindly provide the translated piece under the comment section.
Actually, I have a lot of stuffs to write about. Yeah, even though it was just a matter of two days, less, even. My life is – fascinating. You wanna know what I meant by “fascinating”? Just come over here – my house – and I’ll teach you the “W A Y” of being : P A I K H W A. Kukukukukuku, I bet all of you are boo-ing me away right now. GAHAHAHAHA. Nevermind. Even though I wanted to write them down badly, I couldn’t. Why so? Because, darling PaikHwa, has, already, forgotten. It all. The thing about my intelligent brain is that, I can remember details from ten years back, vividly but, recall nothing that had happened a second ago. Unless someone is recording the moment for me. SO yeah, I’ll probably remember every single dotzus of these after a week. Hahahaha. Fabulous. =]
And say, I wasn’t here for a day and a half, and the ChatBox was already a confusing load for me to handle with. I had NO IDEA what everybody was talking about in there. Until, I clicked on [Older Messages] and finally found out whatever that I needed to know. Or at least, clear my mind of the confuzzle-ment. Phew. It was a little tiresome. NOT. I mean, keep up the spirit people!! This is goooood. Mmmmm Yummmm. xD
Right. So, about the ball. The HELP A-Levels Annual Ball 2008 held last night. On the 30th of June (Monday), from 6.00pm till 12.00 midnight. Seriously, I don’t have many pictures in my possession. I wasn’t in the mood to cam-whore then. Though I did took a few photos WITH a few friends. It wasn’t all too sad or unbearable for me, the event. Maybe, I’m finally used to being around all by myself. Not a loner or whatever, but, yeah, it’s just my way, already. Lmao. Besides, I knew quite a number of people there. And there were all awesome peepzers. Fair enough. I enjoyed myself still. I was stationed right outside the Grand Ballroom near the main entrance, responsible for registering the VVIPs and VIPs and to hand them their tickets. All by, myself. LoLz. It’s not sad okay. I’m used to it. Lmao. Fair enough for me. It was quite a sight anyway.
The girls, I mean. Like. Oh. My. Gawd. Weren’t they delicious gorgeous??? They have styles man. Great sense of styles. Interesting hairstyles and daring outfits. Woooot. It’s the girls’ night, entirely. OWNED. On the other hand, there was nothing interesting about the males. I’m no sexist. I’m just being, factual. =] Guys, no offense. The girls were way way way hotter. I sat behind the table, observing the scene through a pair of contact lens. They made me dizzy, it weren’t well-focused. Giving me blurry images, they were probably dry. Uh huh. I didn’t bother. I couldn’t care less, roflmao. Yeah, I was not able to see things most clearly. Oh well, nevermind…
I reached KL Sentral around 2pm plus if I remembered correctly and walked around the vicinity, checking out stuffs in different stores now and then. Nothing interested me. Finally, I gave up the idea of further strolling around the crowded place and paced towards the KL Hilton. It was surprisingly, easy. I told my dad last night that, should I loss my way there, I’ll call for a cab. Big joke. Hell yeah. You want a cab? There’s a whole line of them waiting for you in front of the entrance of the hotel itself. Great job, paik hwa. You never failed to amuse me. Can I see you laugh like some mad case again? I know you nearly did that near the end of the ball, where most people were dancing on the dance floor then. Hey, I mean, I’m feeling so proud now, about how I managed to withheld that and avoided giving my stomach another helluva time.
Let me see, I was at the hotel for approximately nine hours. Cool. I enjoyed it. I’m serious. However, while I was outside the hall at the registration table, a lecturer commented that the previous balls were better and that this wasn’t promoted well enough. Hmmm, no worries though. We knew why. It’s alright. The idea was good anyway. Love the rose petals decor on the table. Food were okay. I asked 5 of them, and got 5 of that answer. Presentation was artistic, but to quote Quinton – “They were too rich.” And, have I mentioned the dessert was TOO FREAKING SWEEEET. Like. Come on. I ordered for a coffee instead of tea. And what horrible thing I did. I poured the entire pack of brown sugar into the white ceramic cup. It was another designated hell for me, again. I was trying to rid off the sweetness from the dessert with the bitterness of the coffeeeee. BUT NO. NO. NO. HELL NO. HELL YEAH NO. I think the waiter mistook my order and got me tea instead. I added two packets of creamer. The brown translucent liquid never changed into something I was wishing to see.
AND THEN. THE CHOCOLATE CAME. AND, I WAS LIKE. OH. NO. OH. HELL. NO. NOUUHHHHHH. The temptation was so hard, to resist. My attempt to clear my throat and TONGUE of sugar, was FUTILE. Good job Chef. Good job. You know your customer too well. You were, trying to, assassinate me. WITH YOUR. Delicacy. [ ZOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM.] So the MUSIC STARTED. My body reacted naturally, to the beats. The rhythms. Yayh, I love it punk. P U N K. Only danced for a while after dragging Germaine towards the dance floor. But hey, you were wonderful, Germaine. Thanks a lot for accompanying me most of the time! (And the makeup too!!! I’m gonna practice some too, lmao.) -HUGSSSSSSS- x]
I can’t dance for nuts. I dance like a monkey, woo hahahahahaha. Who cares. I don’t. That wins all. Nobody say anything else. Dad called and I’m back at home around midnight. Didn’t know Dahan would be there. Met Ariel too. A new friend yay!!!! AWESOME. Right right. I toook a few photos with Germaine. Pei Hau tried to take my picture but that was deleted because I looked “emo” in it. I took a few with Dahan as well. And hmm… I dunno who else I took the photos with already. But man, I want them. And, where CAN I get them? Screw Facebook.
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et cetera